Review our Calendars again Click Here You’ve selected TDS - RayLet’s get enrolled!Interested in attending one of our courses? We can't wait to hear from you! Office Location * Select the TDS you would like to attend Make Selection 3523 S Staples (Near Ray HS) Class Dates Select the Class Dates you wish to Enroll in. See our Class Schedules for Upcoming Classes. Inquiry Only April 7 - 24, 2025 (6-8 PM) May 5 - 22, 2025 (6-8 PM) Student Name * Full Legal Name First Name Last Name Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Student Age Student Email * Student Phone (###) ### #### School * What high school, middle school or college does the student attend? If homeschooled, simply state "Homeschool" Parent/Guardian Name * First Name Last Name Parent/Guardian Email * Parent/Guardian Phone * (###) ### #### Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Thank you for enrolling in ourTeen Driver’s Education Program! We look forward to working with you.